As always, I got my idea for HNT in just the nick of time. A buddy of mine just got back from Vegas....bearing gifts.....with the promise that I use them in a future HNT. So, I decided to use them in my pics this week. It's funny how most of my friends know about my blog.....but because of my HNT content.....I refuse to give them the address. I don't need all of my male friends trying to hit on me!! LOL
Of course, the store that he bought them from stirred up all kinds of conversation amongst my buddies. I'm interested to see what all the HNT perverts out there have to say about this topic.
I couldn't decide which pics to use - so I used all three!! Hope you Enjoy!!
Do you know what the Pink Taco is???
If so......what other names have you heard it called???
Or.....what other names have you made up for it yourself???
I hope you all have a fabulously pink HNT!!!
XOXO - Jintaco