Monday, July 24, 2006

Five Things

Thanks to the Professor, I have something to post today! Sorry it took me a few days to get to it, but I've been pre-occupied!

5 Things always in my purse/briefcase:

1. Keys
2. Cigarettes
3. Wallet
4. Checkbook
5. Gum

5 Things always in my wallet:

1. Driver's license
2. Credit Cards
3. Insurance Cards
4. Pictures
5. Money

5 Things always in my refrigerator:

1. Cokes
2. Beer
3. Milk
4. Bacon
5. Garlic

5 Things always in my closet:

1. Coats
2. Shoes
3. Dress Clothes
4. Hangers
5. Photo Albums

5 Things always in my car:

1. CD's
2. Phone Charger
3. Jacket
4. Umbrella
5. Paper towels

5 (or more) Things always on my desk: (at work)

1. Pictures
2. Digital Camera
3. Transcriber
5. Pens
6. A Drink
7. Stacks and Stacks of work

5 People to tag:

I won't twist arms. If you want to play - I would love to read your answers.

Love You Guys! XO - Jen


Blogger Professor Fate Opined...

No worries (and that is why I usually pass them along).

July 24, 2006 4:57 PM  
Blogger Neo Opined...

Jen - You know I don't post these sorts of things, so I'll reply here. ;)

5 Things always in my purse/briefcase:

Hmmmm, I don't carry a briefcase, will my army bag do?

CD's, Cell Charger, IDE Computer cables, (I know I'm a nerd) Glasses, and batteries.

5 Things always in my refrigerator:

Beer, Milk, Ice, Leftovers, ;) Ketchup, Did I mention beer? Oh yeah I guess I did, and ummm..... Tuna.

5 Things always in my closet:

The bodies, oh wait wrong blog to mention that on.....

Jackets, Boots, Boxes of crap I should probably throw away, phone book, old computer hardware.

5 Things always in my car:

(I don't drive so I'll have to skip that one.

5 (or more) Things always on my desk: (at work)

Two Computers, Screwdriver, coffee, stapler, my headset, and a ton of paper.

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo

July 24, 2006 9:39 PM  
Blogger Wiwille Opined...

And here I am thinking you had kinkier stuff in your closet. Alas.

July 25, 2006 7:18 AM  
Blogger Jinsane Opined...

Prof: ;o)

Neo: Thanks for replying anyway!

WW: That stuff is under my bed! LOL

July 25, 2006 9:36 AM  

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