Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And The Loser Is....

I know alot of people think that by ignoring idiots like Eric, he will just go away....and maybe that's some cases. But for some reason, he loves me. He just keeps coming back for more. And, I don't know about you guys, but the more he talks, the dumber he sounds, and I, for one, could actually use the entertainment.
The thing I love the most about his diaglogue is the fact that he somehow believes he is better than any of us. The only person that is better than me is Christ, and I'm pretty damn sure that's not Eric. So, Eric, if you really have nothing better to do, please come back and share some more of your insights. I'm sure you'd love another five minutes of fame and I sure could use the amusement.


Blogger TwistedPain Opined...

Trolls are sad people anyways. I mean we all have problems at times but for those who can get nothing out of real life and must amuse themselves thinking others are really paying them attention is hilarious. It is people like him that make me feel better about myself.

November 02, 2005 2:14 PM  
Blogger cityman05 Opined...

He is kind of amusing. I picture him as one of these 25 year old men who go to the pokemon events and trade cards with the little kids, only to make it home just in time to watch superfriends on the cartoon network.

I think in his twisted mind he believes he has some sort of mental gift and can control others.

Maybe his mom just didn't give him any attention when he was growing up and he needs a really big hug. I have a few prisoners in the county jail right now that would probably just love to give ol' Eric a hug.

Would you like that Eric? Never say I wasn't concerned for your mental development.

Jen-Jen, you are a wonderful person and do not deserve this creep invading your blog. I just hope he will do us all a favor and catch the spaceship tailing the next commet that passes by earth. LOL.

November 02, 2005 2:18 PM  
Blogger TwistedPain Opined...

Hey careful how you use "Twisted" in a sentence =P

November 02, 2005 2:20 PM  
Blogger Jinsane Opined...

You guys are the best! Yeah, I hate the fact that he's invading my space just to be an asshole, but "whadda ya gonna do"?

November 02, 2005 2:36 PM  
Blogger Wiwille Opined...

Dumb guys named Eric have no place commenting on your blog.

Wait a minute...

Okay people who spell Eric with a 'c' have no business posting on this blog. Candy asses they are.

February 27, 2006 9:44 PM  
Blogger Jinsane Opined...

WW: Wow! I love getting comments on old posts. It takes me down memory lane. This guy was such a waste of space - it made me absolutely sick. He left, never to be heard from again - thank God!

February 28, 2006 9:37 AM  

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