Update #2 - If You're Gonna Fuck Me, At Least Pull My Hair.....
Sorry about the crass title, but give me a break, will ya????
It's 2:33 a.m. and I'm sitting in my room about to have a nervous breakdown. I am at about 200 miles or so from the Florida line in Georgia. I turn the TV on and the first thing I see is CNN talking about 217 wild-fires in the State of Florida. The entire state is pretty much under a cloud of smoke. There are hundreds of birds falling dead from the sky. Literally......Why didn't I know about this shit??? Why didn't the million people I told about my vacation, say anything about the disaster going on here? I know I've been having a bad week, but I honest-to-God CANNOT believe I didn't see the news on this......Why can't I have even a moment - let alone an entire day - of just pure bliss? I have been looking forward to this trip for so long, and now here I sit in some po'dunk town that quits selling beer at midnight. (Good thing I stocked up!!).
I think I'm heading to Gulf Shores maybe.......of course, if any of you know me by now, I roll with the punches baby!! That's how us Kentucky chicks roll......LMAO SHIT SHIT DAMN IT@@@KDJFSKJDSHFJSDHFKJHDS:HFJDSHFJDSHF
I just can't believe that the week I take my vacation, the entire State I'm going to.... is on FIRE!!!! Is God trying to tell me something???
Oh yeah, and don't even get me started on the story of what happened in the car. Needless to say, I got burnt (albeit, not severely), plastic got broken (you had to be there.....), a cuticle cutter got broken (again, had to be there......) and I think I witnessed a serious crime, but I can't be sure.......
It's mindblowing......Insanity. (no pun intended!)
Stay Tuned......
XO - Jen
It's 2:33 a.m. and I'm sitting in my room about to have a nervous breakdown. I am at about 200 miles or so from the Florida line in Georgia. I turn the TV on and the first thing I see is CNN talking about 217 wild-fires in the State of Florida. The entire state is pretty much under a cloud of smoke. There are hundreds of birds falling dead from the sky. Literally......Why didn't I know about this shit??? Why didn't the million people I told about my vacation, say anything about the disaster going on here? I know I've been having a bad week, but I honest-to-God CANNOT believe I didn't see the news on this......Why can't I have even a moment - let alone an entire day - of just pure bliss? I have been looking forward to this trip for so long, and now here I sit in some po'dunk town that quits selling beer at midnight. (Good thing I stocked up!!).
I think I'm heading to Gulf Shores maybe.......of course, if any of you know me by now, I roll with the punches baby!! That's how us Kentucky chicks roll......LMAO SHIT SHIT DAMN IT@@@KDJFSKJDSHFJSDHFKJHDS:HFJDSHFJDSHF
I just can't believe that the week I take my vacation, the entire State I'm going to.... is on FIRE!!!! Is God trying to tell me something???
Oh yeah, and don't even get me started on the story of what happened in the car. Needless to say, I got burnt (albeit, not severely), plastic got broken (you had to be there.....), a cuticle cutter got broken (again, had to be there......) and I think I witnessed a serious crime, but I can't be sure.......
It's mindblowing......Insanity. (no pun intended!)
Stay Tuned......
XO - Jen
I just read somewhere that Georgia and Florida are suffering from severe wildfires. I thought you might like to know.
Did I tell you in time? Oops.
Skies are blue and sunny up here. Can you turn around and head this way?
sugar i dunno if u will read this in time but some of i-10 is shut down also (it runs from jax fl to california. Heres your route. 75 south to hwy 84 its like exit 18 take 84 west about 50 miles you will go through several small towns but you will end up in thomasville Ga. Take hwy 19 south. you will go about 40 miles and hit i-10 it is open here. go west
5 hrs u'll be in biloxi ms
keep going another hr you can be in new orleans.
damn i wish ida checked last night.
84 is the third valdosta exit (i think)
you cant miss thomasville if you miss hwy 19 s you will know it.
84 goes over it you will see it when you cross it and can turn around. they also (different from this route)might have some detours set up that tell you how to get to 10 west.
you'll be within 5 miles of my house!
hope your vacation gets better.
i wish ida known where you were going exactly i could get you there.
any place in the southeast i know how to get interstate or not.
Georgia stops selling beer statewide at 12 on sat night, but if you ask nice, smile, low cut top, short short or any combination thereof they will oblidge.
good luck
sorry i didnt read last night i could have informated you promptly.
Oddly enough, your subject line was once said to me...and she was a redhead, too.
All going to Poop!
Rock on!
So sorry about your trip. That just sucks royally. The title was a great tease though! I thought you must be having a grand time. But sadly, the heat is not in a good place.
Jen - Wow that sucks. I've been seeing these fires in the news. The worst part is they think they were started intentionally; bastards. Hopefully you come up with a good plan B.
And no, I won't stab at the opening title because... Well, it's just to easy. ;)
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
well if you pass threw jax give me a call, its clear and sunny here, eddie
Hope that you avoid the fires and are able to find some nice sun somewhere.
Hopefully, you are still plugging along. It is the journey, not the destination.
Seriously how the hell do these things happen to you? I hope blue skies are headed your way soon.
I don't recall being told exactly where you were going.. I believe you were as vague as saying.... 'i dont know, but somewhere south' until it was too late....
oh yeah, NC is NOT on fire by the way.
Stay safe darling.
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