Half-Nekkid Thursday - 01.25.07
Yesterday was one of the most awful days I've had in a while. I lost my keys on my way into work, only to find them four hours later in the middle of Main Street - ran over by a car. Not only was that my only car key, but the card for my anti-theft device was broken in half. I stood outside in sub-zero temperature watching the locksmith try to make a new key.....not knowing if I could even start my car once I got inside!!
Needless to say, it all worked out in the end, but I get so frustrated sometimes. It seems like every day is some new disaster. I'm not talking about the normal day-to-day crap......oh forget it.....I get so tired of thinking about my awful luck.
To top it all off, my boyfriend was out watching the UK/GA game last night (don't even bring up the score)....and his brand new Blackberry got stolen out of his jacket. That's only going to run about $600.00. Geez..........
Anyhoo....on to the nekkidness:
Happy HNT Everyone!! Much Love As Always - Your Favorite Loser
Cool-I've got this hottie to myself for a minute :) I feel you-my last two days have been flat out crazy. This weekend I drink to your better luck. I drink to get drunk too but anyway :) Great pic-HHNT!
I am so sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. I send all my hugs n kisses your way darling.
nice photo
Sounds like the 24th really WAS the worst day of the year for you!
The good news--they only get better from here!
Has anyone mentioned that yer pretty?
Pretty shot :) HHNT
You are beautiful!
Happy hnt
Very nice shot!
And I feel your pain on the bad day too...yesterday was the 4 month-iversary of getting separated from my husband of 14 years. And Sunday, we were supposed to be leaving for Mexico...not happening now, of course. So yeah...here's to better luck all around! ;o)
Ferm: Amen to that! I'll be right there with ya!
Twisty: Thanks precious!
Art: Thank you, as always!
Os: Yes it was!! I hope it's not a sign of things to come. ;o)
Crimson: ;o)
Sexy: I appreciate that!! A girl could never tire of hearing that.
Moon - Are you my twin? I just went through the same thing not too long ago. Geez.....
damn all that and you STILL are freaking stunning at the end of the day...sorry your day sucked, but damn...just a sexy pic.
Here's to making it throught he little disasters.
And, of course, beautiful pic.
Jen - God damn dude, wtf?
You have a black cloud following you around?
And no Blackberry's aren't cheap. If his has GPS in it maybe you could have someone trace it down.
Sexy pict.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
Stealth: Thanks babydoll!
BW: No doubt!!
Neo: I don't think the black cloud ever fully went away. Now it's back and rearing it's ugly head. Put your seatbelt on - things are going to get crazy!!!
Nice pic!
Happy HNT!
well all that bad luck didnt make you any less sexy!
great pic
i lost my keys when i went away from new years leaving the house we rented. i ended up driving 3 hours one way to see if they were there two weeks later and nope. i stopped at the service station and everything and nope.
sucks ass. big time when you lose your keys. lucky for you you found them.
why don't people just buy their own shit. why do they gotta steal?
A little nekkidness always brightens the day!
Hope you having a better day now!
Beautiful! Happy HNT!
Beautiful photo! Happy HNT!
I hate those kind of days! Nice pic though. HHNT
Sorry to hear about your crazy days, but am happy about the pic.
Yes... Days like that shouldn't happen...
Happy HNT!
Happier HNTs. If it is any consolation your nekkidness improved my day.
Excellent pic today. Very classy stuff.
Sorry you had a bad day Jen. Hope it's a better weekend, and, you are not a loser.
Sorry too I haven't been around in a while, got out of the blogging loop for a while.
By the way, this is the Jaxter (more anonymous now... ooops, not anymore...)
I have a new blog.
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