TMI Tuesday - Part 11
1. Which is more appealing and why - a life of leisure or a life of accomplishment?
To me, a life of accomplishment. Trust me, I think I would definitely enjoy a life of leisure, but I've always been really into discovering the purpose of my life and I would hate to think that my entire purpose was to accomplish nothing.
2. How many people have you kissed, not counting family?
Honestly, I have no idea. I would say around 15 or 20, depending on your definition of "kissing".
3. How many times have you ever been in love?
A long time ago, I would have said four times. Now, I think it's just two. I don't really want to count any of my young declarations of love, because I had no idea what love even was at that point in my life.
4. Regardless of what's right for you now, would you say you have a good idea of the kind of person you'd like to end up with? Can you, will you, tell us?
The kind of person I would like to end up with, is someone who is as gentle, kind, loving, honest, caring, and PASSIONATE as I am.
5. If you're dating someone, is it okay to flirt with other people?
This scenario could go from innocent to deadly in less than five seconds. However, it would depend on the person and the situation.
Bonus (as in optional): Describe your personality with three adjectives that describe you well.
Outgoing, Spontaneous, Loving
excellent answers
15-20 kissed??? sheesh ida thought it woulda been many many more!
the 3 words are easy for me
Good answers. It's always nice to hear that size doesn't matter to all women when listing top qualities they look for.
That's a little too much information.
Fun stuff. Flirting can be very dangerous can't it?
JS: You're hilarious!!!
WW: Size really does matter!! LOL
Scott: can!!
Sal: Thanks for reading! ;o)
see thats why i comment
i learn something everytime
i thought i was just smart and sexy but now i learn i am funny too!!!
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