I Should Be In Bed...
Well, it's 1:00 a.m., and here I sit. Staring at my computer screen. Why can't I sleep? My eyes are tired, my body is tired, but my mind is going 100 miles an hour! I am so gonna regret this in about five hours when my alarm clock goes off!
Whose in on bets that I'm late for work?
I am! LOL
My dog is going ballistic right now. She always does this when it gets late and I'm still up. She looks at me like, "What is your problem? Don't you know it's nap time?" She cracks me up! She keeps trying to jump in my lap and nose her way under my hands while I type. As a matter of fact, right now - she's licking my face and it's very hard to...jkajdf akd kjdfk adjdf jfJ%I)($.....type. She's got the greatest personality. She's my snuggle buddy and my best friend. Shit, I need somebody to sleep with at night! ;o)
Sorry about the incoherent ramblings....I guess I am tired enough to go to bed.
Sweet Dreams Everybody! XOXO
Jax: LOL
Believe me, mine is enough! Although, every time I see a stray dog on the street, I want to scoop it up and bring it home with me!
Awe, CUTE PUP! I want one!! I need a sleeping companion toooooooo.
Pleasant dreams JJ and don't worry, I stayed up late last night and was most definitely LATE this A.M....uuugh!
Hope your day gets better Lan! I was only about five minutes late. Yea!
Jen -Hey I got you beat, I was an hour late! WOOHOO in your face timeclock!
Damn Neo - your worse than I am!
I have insomnia also! just usually up watching tv...or reading trying to get tired. Cute pup!
Well, neither of these pups are mine. I just thought the pics went with the post. But I thought they were cute also.
It's pretty hard for me to find an ugly dog. Even if they're ugly, there so ugly they're cute! LOL
Jen -Worse at what? Or dare I ask?
Neo ducks
Neo: Being a lazy ass in the morning!
Jen tosses a beer bottle at Neo's head!
Neo Ducks
Jen -Oh, gonna get violent on me huh?
Just save those beers and energy for tomorrow when JBI smokes MBI in the Battle of the Network Blogs II
That is such a cute picture!
Neo: I only get violent when the situation calls for it!
Bring it on tomorrow - I'm ready for it. BTW: What exactly are we doing?
AStar: I know! I fell in love as soon as I saw it.
Jen -The BOTNB 2, at least I thought so. Dunno.
So a challenge in on for Sat? What's up with the challenge blog on your profile page?
If ya use it don't forget to advertise it...
n Good Luck!
Snag -It was changed to this Sunday due to scheduling conflicts.
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