Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Give Me Some of Your Tots

So....I went out last night and bought $60 worth of Halloween decorations. I'm so stoked. My house will be the most evil house in the 'hood. Aren't you jealous? I think because I've been in such a dark period in my life this year, I'm even more into Halloween than usual. I miss my sister and my niece so much, I can't stand it. I miss my brother-in-law too, but I never really got a chance to spend much time with him before they left for New York. I've always felt a little left out of the family unit that is my mom, dad, sister, niece and brother-in-law. Maybe it's because they lived with my parents, or maybe it's because my parents always make plans with them (even though they're in a different state), but never with me (who lives less than a mile away!). My sister was able to give my parents something I haven't....and that's a grandchild. I don't blame my parents for wanting to spend every waking moment with them, I just wish my family wanted to spend some time with me once in a while. I don't know.....maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself, but what else is new? I've been wishing alot more here lately that I could just go back to the years when I was still living at home and my sister was my best friend. I miss those days so much.


Blogger tregen Opined...

Start with "The road less travelled" by Scott Peck.

October 04, 2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger Jinsane Opined...

Thanks. It's nice to know that someone is reading some of my pitiful, self-loathing rants. I'm really not as depressed as I seem, I just wait until stuff builds up and then let it go. It's better than stabbing somebody in the neck...I figure! But, hey, I am from the South.

October 04, 2005 3:49 PM  
Blogger cityman05 Opined...

I think it's nice that you miss your family. That shows how much you love them.

You seem like a very cool person,


October 04, 2005 5:16 PM  
Blogger Jinsane Opined...

I just about fell out of my chair when I read that....and then to be laughing myself when I got to your P.S. was even funnier. Ah...the good times. Love you sissy.

October 05, 2005 10:36 AM  

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