Saturday, April 02, 2005

Suck Ass Cards

So.....Saturday wasn't too bad. I had a bad hangover from Friday night. Anyway....I had to get up and go back to the house to meet with hubby. We had to sit down and figure out our bills. It wasn't fun. It took me forever to get out of there again. I swear, I hate being in that position. Anyway.....I got ready and headed to TT's to watch the game. They LOST.....and it sucks. I was really, really cheering for them. Which is unusual for me. BW proceeded to get hammered and that was really fun to watch. I've never seen him like that. So....I was the DD that night and got him home safely. Mission Accomplished! I sat up with his mom for awhile and we just laughed and laughed. That was alot of fun. I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. It felt good.
JenJen Out!


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